Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Sexy Shoe Game Honors Veterans and Master Sergeant Walter C. Washington

Hey Sexies,

This week we honor Veterans who have served in the U.S. Armed Forces. Veterans Day is an official United States federal holiday that is observed annually on November 11, honoring those nameless individuals that have fought for our freedoms.

On this Veterans day I would not only like to say thank you for your service to all of you veterans that have given so much of yourselves including my Brother, Jethro L. Haynes (Vietnam), I would also like to pay a special tribute to my lifelong friend Master Sergeant Walter C. Washington.

I have known Walter my entire life. In fact he would have known me before I knew of him. He attended my parents wedding.

So many firsts in my life can be attributed to this one man who’s influence has helped so many others.

My first place win in a science fair in grade school
My A from an F in Algebra in high school
My first Concert which was also my babysitting experience at Great America (big ups to Camille, also a veteran, and by far his most rambunctious kid.) Oddly enough this concert turned out the be the defining moment in my singing career where I looked at the Band performing on stage and said to myself “I’m gonna do that.”
My first horseback riding experience
My first softball experience
My First Backgammon, spades and domino experience (yes I still have my backgammon board and domino set)
My move to Atlanta and on and on.

Also, it was absolutely hilarious watching him, in the rear view mirror, try to chase me down the street after teaching me how to drive a manual transmission vehicle. (Good times, good times)

I can’t tell what an honor it was for me as a child to witness him walking in formation in the Bud Billiken Day Parade.

Not realizing it then, because you were just Walter to me. Yet this one man who was an integral part of my life and upbringing influenced and trained so many others that continue to influence and train so many others and that seed continues to grow. It is really quite amazing when you think about it.

Your mom Augusta, my aunt Annie and my mom Bobbie, who referred to you as little Walter right up until the end, were all so very proud of you and so am I.

So on this Veterans Day I want to make sure you know that I am so glad that you have been and are a part of my life.

I honor you, I appreciate you, I love you and I salute you.

Hooah Master Sarge, Hooah!

Happy Veterans Day and Happy Shopping, Sexies.

Veteran inspired designs.

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